Tuesday, April 19, 2022

"My Lady Jane" by Cynthia Hand

 Rating: 4/5

CW: Some language, a small amount of bawdy humor

Yo. I LOVED this book. I had it recommended to me as an audio book, and I really enjoyed the narrators breaking the fourth wall. 


You may think you know the story of Lady Jane Grey (or like me, have no idea), but you've never heard it quite like this. Poisonings, ploys, love, and several coronations. King Edward VI is dying, and he decides to change the line of succession to place his best friend and cousin Jane on the throne, after marrying her off to the second son of his...English equivalent of a grand vizier. The plot thickens as betrayals become apparent and the fate of the country as well as its leadership is at risk. Amidst all this is Jane, trying to figure out her new role and new marriage.

Spoilers Ahead:

A key component of this retelling involves "Ethians", which honestly feels like their version of Animagus (from Harry Potter). Certain characters can transform into animals. Though most can control it, Jane and G cannot.  This leads to further misunderstandings in their already troubled marital relationship. We discover Edward is not dead (surprise!), and G's confusion about Jane and Edward's previous friendship becomes yet another stumbling block for the (un)happy couple. Edward is too busy trying to figure out how he feels about Gracie to notice, and Jane, too consumed first with trying to run a country, then to getting Edward back on the throne to understand his jealousy. There were many moments I said (shouted) out loud, "IF YOU WOULD JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER", proving once again that communication skills are the surest way to make a relationship last. There were many very fun side plots in this novel, I'm just choosing to focus on the love story between Jane and G because I am wholeheartedly a romantic. 

Another very enjoyable aspect were the many, many famous references to other works. I think my favorite was "Frying pans, who knew, right?" What was yours? This book was really fun, and I hope you enjoy it too!

Discussion Questions:

1. If you were an Ethian, what animal would you want to be?

2. Did you have any moments when you wanted to yell "JUST TALK ABOUT IT" to Jane and G? Which ones?

3. Did you expect Edward to end up with Gracie instead of Petunia? Why or why not?

4. Why do you think Jane and G's Ethian forms presented themselves as curses tied to the sun?

5. What context clues warned you of Edward's decision to abdicate the throne?

6. Jane's declaration at the end of the story of "I love you more than books" carried some serious weight. What would be in your list for your current or future significant other?

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