A bit different from my usual novels, this week I read Ocean Anatomy: The Curious Parts & Pieces of the World Under the Sea by Julia Rothman. It was incredible! Reminded me of all the reasons why I wanted to be a Marine Biologist or work at the Aquarium when I was a kid. I absolutely love learning about our beautiful Earth and so many facts!
What I did not expect was to discover I am slightly afraid of the Ocean. Learning about how expansive it is and how little we understand about it is every so slightly bone chilling. But this is truly a beautiful resource for learning more about oceans, and a little bit of everything! Creatures, plants, how waves work, ice, the landscape, birds and mammals that depend on the ocean, etc.
This review is spoiler-free, but I do have a few discussion questions to get the juices flowing if you want to talk about this book in a group or just do some self-reflection! And I've included my answers this time as well:
1. What chapter was your favorite? Why?
I think my favorite was Chapter 3: "A Whale of a Time". I love whales and dolphins, and learning more facts about them always brings me joy!
2. What new facts surprised you?
The section about Ocean Depth Zones was especially eye-opening. I knew there was a lot of ocean we don't know, but I was shocked when I saw the drawing of the zones and realized how shallow our understanding of the sea is when compared to what we don't know. (couldn't resist the pun ;) )
3. Anything that scared you?
Hands down how many eyes clams have.
4. What inspired you to read this book?
My aunt has several of the anatomy books by Julia Rothman. She offered to let me borrow some, and I chose to read this one. I'm excited to read her other books too!
5. If asked to write an "Anatomy" book, what topic would you pick?
I think it would be really fun to write a book about "Orchestra Anatomy" and took about instrument families and performance halls, etc.
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